
Let’s Chat

Did you know that today is Get To Know Your Customers Day?

We love our customers and would be delighted to get to know you more! Are you part of a big family? Do you have a unique talent that is sure to wow? What’s your favorite cardmaking tool? Salty or sweet snacks?

Tell us what makes you tick! As a thank you for letting us into your lives, we will select one random commenter to win $25 to the EH shop!

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  • Reply Nina July 18, 2019 at 7:14 am

    What a fun quest!
    I am a freelance conference interpreter (yes, those people in these small aquarium-like booths that listen and talk at the same time ;)) and in the little free time I have, I love to get crafty 🙂

    I am a critical thinker, I care a lot about the environment (an area where the crafting industry has some room for improvement :)) and I am an advocate for women’s rights.
    I love EH products and your online store! <3

    • Reply April Taylor July 18, 2019 at 8:00 am

      I live in central Maine, have been crafting for about 20 years. I papercraft, sew, crochet and occasionally make jewelry.
      I was married at age 16, hubby was 18 (no I was not pregnant🤣) still married going on 38 years to the love of my life, with 2 adult children, a daughter & a son. Both are married and have given us 5 littles between them, 4 girls, 1 boy.
      We also have 3 fur-babies which are spoiled rotten, all girls. 2 boston terriers & a chihuahua who rules the roost.
      We like to boat, fish, and take road trips to places in Maine we have never been.
      I encourage you all to explore your own back yards as every state has many hidden treasures!
      I have just recently discovered Ellen Hutson with the purchase of the regular size Misti stamping platform.
      Here I am again, I have fallen in love with the wonderful EH products and excellent customer service.
      Good luck to all!
      Happy crafting! 😀

    • Reply Amy Peyton July 18, 2019 at 8:32 am

      Hello! This is so much fun 🙂 I’m a software developer who absolutely loves to create things in my spare time (helps keep the balance between my left and right brain). I love playing with new colors, using patterned paper, and think a stamp positioner tool might be the best thing since sliced bread!

      Thanks for caring about your customers!

      • Reply Amy Peyton July 18, 2019 at 8:35 am

        Hello! This is so much fun 🙂 I’m a software developer who absolutely loves to create things in my spare time (helps keep the balance between my left and right brain). I love playing with new colors, using patterned paper, and think a stamp positioner tool might be the best thing since sliced bread!
        Thanks for caring about your customers!

  • Reply Gillie Ciriaco-Runge July 18, 2019 at 7:16 am

    I am an old crafty lady (hahaha – young 77!) you lives in the crafty room, because my mind is full of craft ideas. After a week of making cards, just finished sewing 3 skirts, 2 house dresses for my sister, who has problem buying clothes because she love cotton materials only. Also, doing quilts for charities. Now, back to cards again. Love to color flowers and birds. Copic markers are my fav but learning colored pencils and water coloring now. I make cards to donate to charities for fund raising mostly, some for special friends and family. Belong to a card group of 40 ladies in our adult community and teach cards making, which I love very much. No salt, but love 85% dark chocolates.

  • Reply Denise Raley July 18, 2019 at 7:16 am

    Hi, I’m a 58 woman who was diagnosed with Multiple Sculrosis at a young age. I was always horse back and outside. Now I make cards. It helps my mind,hands and my over wellness. I LOVE IT, I’m all ways learning something new! This is my new life and it’s GREAT!!

  • Reply Angela July 18, 2019 at 7:17 am

    I love this! Lately, making cards, handlettering, and creating with all sorts of different mediums makes me tick. It’s been so fun to rediscover my love for something I spent so much time doing as a kid, and it’s funny how becoming an adult sometimes has a way of making us forget that it’s ok to do things just for the sheer joy of it. (And thank you to everyone at Ellen Hutson for being part of this process – products, blog inspo, and more!)

  • Reply Gloria Smith July 18, 2019 at 7:18 am

    Hello! I am a mother of two, and PROUD Navy mom! Ive been a scrapbooker for 20 years and started making cards just the past 5 years. I love the closeness of the crafting community appreciate all the inspiration and talent shares from crafting companies and crafting bloggers/youtubers. I love connecting with Crafter’s In the DelMarVa area. My Instagram handle is Golfergirl71

  • Reply Carol Jones July 18, 2019 at 7:19 am

    Such a great idea! I am a retired nurse practitioner, and these days love gardening, card making, and working part time at a Hallmark store. I was an only child, but have 3 beautiful adult children, 8 grandchildren, and one adorable great-granddaughter, all of whom seem to like getting my handmade cards. I love your products — keep ’em coming, and thanks for this opportunity!

  • Reply Jennifer Sears July 18, 2019 at 7:20 am

    I am a Mom of 4 young kids working part time in a stressful field. I love creating beautiful cards and crafts and Ellen Hutson’s site and blog inspire and feed my creativity. Thank you!

  • Reply rossrookies July 18, 2019 at 7:24 am

    Fantastic idea! I sell sports memorabilia. I left my teaching job in 1993 when my husband said, “If you can make up your salary you can leave teaching.” While I hated leaving teaching, I had a newborn and I couldn’t bare the thought of not being with him each day. So, I buckled down and started selling, selling, selling. And now, 26 years later I am still doing the job that I love. But…….when I am not selling memorabilia, I am a card maker. That’s what really makes me tick and Ellen Hutson keeps me supplied! Love y’all!!!!

  • Reply Barb McCarthy July 18, 2019 at 7:24 am

    I have been crafting all my life. I started scrapbooking and card making in 1999. I love having Ellen Hutson here in my state! Today is my 47th wedding anniversary!

  • Reply Karen Looney July 18, 2019 at 7:29 am

    I’m a caregiver. I enjoy making the world of seniors smile inspite the difficulty they deal with every day. In my spare time I love making cards. A lot of seniors want to stay connected a by making them a card to do that. They purchase cards from me that have been hand made. You carry unicorns products which helps me do that.

  • Reply Caroline Knauth July 18, 2019 at 7:30 am

    Vagabond 2 and my Misti are my favorite tools. Pinterest is my constant obsession. I am a recently retired state trooper, (34 yrs) and paper crafting was the perfect getaway from what goes with that career. I am from a family of five kids, of five kids, of five kids, which is unique. Movie popcorn is my favorite snack, so I see a lot of movies and get the refillable bag to take some home!

  • Reply Alo Lopez July 18, 2019 at 7:31 am

    I volunteer at my church taking care of the kids, they love creating and playing with crafts, we send the cards to hospitals to cheer people up

  • Reply Susan M July 18, 2019 at 7:33 am

    I am an elementary school teacher, which I love doing. I am passionate, however, about anything that involves handwork. I have been sewing & crafting since I was 12, when my dad gave me my first sewing machine and taught me to sew. In my “spare” time I sew clothing and quilts, and any type of needlework I can get my hands on. I am also an artist and sold my original work in the French Quarter (New Orleans) for 3 years. Card making is my current focus. I am working diligently to learn everything I can and building my card making stash! When I make cards, it feels like I’m making small works of art. 🙂

  • Reply Erin Thompson July 18, 2019 at 7:33 am

    My sister is a fabulous cardmaker, and she got me hooked about five years ago. I love, love, love fun new dies, pretty papers, and any new artsy technique. Currently, I am working on Lavinia stamped cards, Zig Brush Marker watercolors, and alcohol ink classes. Something personal, that most people don’t know, is that I began working very hard to get healthy almost three years ago. I eat healthy, and go to the gym five to six days a week. (My goal is to be in the best shape of my life when I turn 50 next April!) Right now we are looking for a small motorcycle for me, and I want to learn to ride with my husband. I have two wonderful sons, and two dogs that keep me busy. You know what I love most about Ellen Hutson? I can often find things in the store that I can’t find elsewhere, and she has the fastest shipping around!

  • Reply Joy Metcalf July 18, 2019 at 7:34 am

    I am a retired School Based Health Assistant. I am also a widow of two years. I have been crafting for 30 years, and have a “mini craft store” which encompasses my garage and a bedroom. Being retired a year, now I have PLENTY of time to make handmade cards with all the papers and tools I have acquired. But I can ALWAYS add more.

  • Reply Karen Looney July 18, 2019 at 7:36 am

    Sorry my last sentence was supposed to say unick array of products .

    • Reply Lisa Byers July 18, 2019 at 8:20 am

      Hi, I am a retired postal worker living in Waverly GA. I am married to my high school sweetheart, we have been together since I was 14. Went steady for 5 years, married for 42 this year. We have 2 handsome boys, 3 grandsons, 1 granddaughter and 1 granddaughter on the way. I have been cross-stitching for 41 years, it’s still my first love. I have done crocheting, beading and basket weaving. About a year and a half ago, I watched a video by Lindsey Weirich and she was making a card. I kept watching her videos which led to other videos then to Blop hops then to my craft room that has thousands of dollars of stash and tons of hours of good times making cards. I think we should have a Crafters Anonymous. Hello, I am Lisa, I have an addiction to collecting great stash.

      • Reply Lisa Byers July 18, 2019 at 8:22 am

        Sorry Karen, I didn’t mean to put this here!! Oops!!

  • Reply hsmom24kids July 18, 2019 at 7:36 am

    I’m a happy wife, mom to 4 grownups, and Gigi to 8 grands! Crafting is my drug of choice. LOL. I dream crafting. If it’s out there, I want to try it. Sometimes I have to rein it in. I used to scrapbook a ton when the kids were growing up, and now trying to jump back into that. Mostly I do paper crafts, use my Cricut for shirts and home decor and crochet and knit like crazy. I’m passionate about Amigurumi animals. I also have four yorkies and we have 6 horses, of which 4 are MINE. LOL. I’m in WA state, and am dying to come to your store someday!

  • Reply Melissa Craig July 18, 2019 at 7:36 am

    I’m Melissa, mother of 3 young adult children. I work full time but am blessed to be able to work from home. I love it! I have been a crafter for most of my life, paper crafting for 20+ years and am just happy in my own little world. I love interacting with you all on Facebook and I love EH products/store. Thank you for being there. ❤️

  • Reply Robin Ridpath July 18, 2019 at 7:39 am

    I love this idea! Something that is interesting to know about me, when I’m not crafting, I’m doing Agility with my pup, Aspen (who is secretly our third child).

  • Reply Pamela A July 18, 2019 at 7:40 am

    I have been crafting for a lifetime – love finding time to be creative. Card making has become my passion. I currently enjoy using watercolor, watercolor pens and distress ink to stamp and color with. Enjoy seeing new products and all the creative ways to use them. I have a never ending wish list with every new release. After many years as being a caregiver I finally have time to enjoy and get back to crafting and getting the creative juices going again. I LOVE EH! I need to shop during sales and your shipping is reasonable and I don’t know how you get my order out to me so fast, but I love it. Thank you for a tremendous shopping website and blog with so many talented people that share their never ending talent.

  • Reply Jenniece July 18, 2019 at 7:43 am

    I started as a scrapbooker about 35 years ago and I still wish to do it but find cardmaking a quicker realized result and more practical product for me now that I’m a busy Mom of two. I prefer hands-on crafting over digital because I’ve invested in stuff and need to use it. I enjoy “playing” in my studio office and creating cards and sending them to people I care about. It works my brain and hands, is social at times, is an escape for me and I get lost in the FUN whenever I can. Love seeing all the demos, lessons on techniques, and new products to try from you tube videos but it makes me want so many more things! I’m definitely hooked! This is where you”ll find me when I have time.

  • Reply Tara July 18, 2019 at 7:43 am

    I enjoy the talking my daughter and I do when making cards and crafting. I hope that one day we can add the granddaughters into that fun! That’s what makes me tick! Now if I could have the hubby build me an outdoor space that is closed in and I can see the woods….that would be heaven while crafting!

  • Reply lee July 18, 2019 at 7:46 am

    I have never heard of a “get to know your customer day”! I like that idea and so nice of you to do this! I work in the medical field and crafting is one of my stress relief outlets! I love this blog and the inspiration – Thank you! I’m mom to three grown up kids w/ successful careers of their own and have a fabulous husband and one fun dachshund! I feel life is a fun as you make it and plan on having a lot more fun in the future when we retire! Have a great week!

  • Reply Lynn A Wollenberg July 18, 2019 at 7:49 am

    Along with making cards I love to play the piano and bake.

  • Reply Jane Piszczor July 18, 2019 at 7:51 am

    First of all, love your company! I retired last year so I have more time to craft, read, watch tv, and play on the computer. I’ve also been able to add in some volunteering which also includes card making. I’ve been making my own cards for over 20 years.

  • Reply Noreen Fontana July 18, 2019 at 7:54 am

    A retired Grandma. I love to read, knit, and play around with stamps, ink, and pretty things. My house and my hair are both hot messes and I will get to them soon! Looking forward to returning to elementary school in the Fall where I get to have kids read to me and share the joy of learning and having fun.

  • Reply quilttoni July 18, 2019 at 7:56 am

    Your company has brought my girls and I together! They love buying products and making cards. Once a week we all three get together to see what’s new and create! Thank you for such a wonderful place for them to shop and share.

  • Reply samanthacoleman16 July 18, 2019 at 7:58 am

    Wow what a fun idea! I enjoy card making, the latest little gadgets, and reading. I have been happily married 25 years to the same goofball. I have two grown sons and two grandsons. I have to literally have to fly across the United States to see my grandkids.

  • Reply MrsB8T July 18, 2019 at 7:59 am

    My husband and I just graduated in May with a Masters in Biomedical Sciences (Me) & Law School (Him). Now we wait until he takes the bar exam to see where we move to. It’s a crazy time but crafting is getting me through it.

  • Reply Deborah Kaye July 18, 2019 at 8:00 am

    I’m a retired Navy and successfully raised two wonderful children who are now pretty fabulous adults in my eyes. Still working, yet looking for a new job. Discovered paper crafting in 1997 on Guam of all places and have been stamping on and off ever since. Right now, currently trying to find my crafting mojo in the turmoil of life.

  • Reply Robyn Running July 18, 2019 at 8:00 am

    What a great idea, love the “get to know your customers day”! I’m a 53 year old mother of 2 grown up kids. I used to scrapbook my kids when they were younger. Now I scrapbook vacations and holidays when the kids are around. I make cards, draw, paint and crochet. I have always been into crafting. I have a loving husband that indulges me buying new “toys” for my card making projects.

  • Reply kimheggins July 18, 2019 at 8:04 am

    How fun…I love to craft, make cards but sewing is my favorite! I make my own clothes including my blue jeans! So much fun to be able to say that I made it! I love salty snacks and live very close to San Francisco. I have been making cards since my daughter was born in 1992, made her birth announcements and have not stopped!

  • Reply littlesavedgirl July 18, 2019 at 8:05 am

    Hello and thanks for asking about little old me 👩🏽‍💻 . I’m 49 years old and a mother of 4 grown children , my youngest has Asperger syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and lives with us still . I have 3 grandchildren and a set of twins on the way 😁 .
    I’ve been crafting for about 27 years but I’ve been drawing my entire life . My favorite crafting tools are the Misty , Big Shot , Martha Stewart Score board and my Copic markers . I have good success with most crafts I try which explains why I have so many supplies 🤷🏻‍♀️ . I’m particularly good at watercolor painting, I picked it up quickly and have been enjoying it now for several years . My Cavapoo Abby is my craft room buddy , she’s adorable .
    I’ve been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis back in 2009 but I knew there was something wrong with me since I was 20 years old . Since no longer being able to count beyond the number five (without making a mistake) I’ve been legally disabled and no longer able to work my job at Target 🎯 in their Clerical department making schedules and doing payroll since 2009 . But it has been a blessing to me because now I can craft all day long , I’m the happiest I’ve ever been .

    Thanks for asking 😁 !

  • Reply Georgia C Hruska July 18, 2019 at 8:09 am

    I started out scrapbooking and swore I would never stamp! Now that’s all I do!!! Love making cards especially funny ones. I still believe there is nothing better than receiving a card in the mail. Your wonderful products help me spread the sunshine.

  • Reply Jeanne-Marie July 18, 2019 at 8:10 am

    This is such a fun idea! I do come from a large family of 5 kids-I’m the baby. I have 3 kids of my own and I’m a stay at home Mom trying to get my handmade card Etsy shop off the ground. This year I’ll head back to school to get my Masters in Education so I can become a teacher. My dream is to teach at my children’s school. I’ll substitute teach during the school year and go to school at night. I’m hoping to find time to fit crafting in as it’s my hobby and how I relax! My kiddos are my world and I love running them to their extracurriculars and seeing them blossom. My husband and I love to catch movies together and enjoy the outdoors! When I’m not doing all that you can find me with my nose in a book! 🙂

  • Reply Dana Seymour July 18, 2019 at 8:11 am

    This was lovely reading blurbs about everyone who has commented before me. Thanks for always keeping things fun Ellen!

    I’m a left-handed book nerd who loves to cook for anyone who likes to eat, the youngest of 9 children (but an only child as well), have two adopted kids, and numerous pets. I’m a federal officer who spends all day outside year ‘round and frequently am called the “bug lady” by my exporters. My super power is an overactive sense of smell that can cause trouble if I’m in crowds or groups because I can tell who ate what, who last brushed their teeth, who touched a dog, who smokes, who has too much cologne or body lotion on, etcetera. My favorite food is lima beans, and I’d be lost without the papercrafting world.

  • Reply Donna Gourley July 18, 2019 at 8:12 am

    I’m an executive assistant to the vice president at a university in Southern Virginia. I’m married, have 3 grown children, and one granddaughter (who, of course, stamps with me when she’s at my house). I have a dedicated stamp/craft room in my house and love to spend time in there every chance I get. In addition to stamping (mostly card making), I enjoy sewing (but I have to be in the mood for it). I want to try experimenting with watercoloring more and hand lettering. I also love to work outside in my yard and flower beds.

  • Reply Gloria Reynolds July 18, 2019 at 8:12 am

    My favorite room in my new home is the guest bedroom which I converted to my craft room. It is my escape where I can freely explore my cardmaking passion. Over 30 years ago I was exposed to a unique craft show featuring brass stencils and handmade paper. Somewhere along the way I migrated to wood-mounted rubber stamps. Out of sheer space limitations, I now bless the day I discovered clear stamps. I would be embarassed to admit how many images now reside in my favorite room.

  • Reply Jeanne Beam July 18, 2019 at 8:15 am

    I have always done some type of crafting. From sewing, cross stitching, salt dough ornaments and then paper crafting. I bought my first stamp 25 years ago.
    I lived in the Florida Panhandle which has beautiful white sandy beaches.
    My favorite snack is salted caramel anything!
    I have a wonderful husband and family which I love very much….

  • Reply Caprice Oliver July 18, 2019 at 8:16 am

    i have been very ill over the past 6 months. crafting esprcially using and creating things with paper is 1 of my greatest joys. i’ve been foiling as of lately and i love the look, too

  • Reply Jan Metcalf July 18, 2019 at 8:16 am

    First must say how much I respect your company and service, top in the industry! When I retired I gathered my other crafty and artsy friends and we try to meet monthly to do service projects or learn new crafts. This past month we made 112 cards for veterans going on the Badger Honor flight, the first 100 were all unique, no two alike! Love learning new techniques, exploring the medium, have worked part time in the industry, taught card making, and my cards sell at a local craft fair!

  • Reply Patricia H July 18, 2019 at 8:19 am

    I frequently have wanderlust whether it’s traveling afar – Australia to Alaska – or exploring this beautiful country we live in. When anyone says ‘let’s go’, I’m ready to pack my bags.

    I’ve been paper crafting for 20 years and also love quilting, counted cross stitch

    Such a fun question! Love the idea.

  • Reply nicoleligaard July 18, 2019 at 8:20 am

    My name is Nicole. Five years ago I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and just now on top of that ADD. I have struggled my whole life. The meds I am on do help a lot, however, crafting, that is card making, seems to be the only thing that manages to keep me focused for hourse on end 🙂

  • Reply Billie Sue Woolley July 18, 2019 at 8:20 am

    I am an attorney living in Lexington KY with 3 adult children and a teenage granddaughter. I no longer work full time, but spend time volunteering at my church and working with a not for profit corporation that provides facilities for 12 step groups to hold meetings. I’m very concerned about addiction awareness and education as well as supporting families of those with substance abuse disorders. Crafting is an important part of my life and I am getting ready to start a blog. I have more projects than I will complete–needlepoint, paper crafts, scrapbooks, home decor items. In the past month, I have made at least a dozen cards, made alcohol ink, watercolor and die cut backgrounds for future cards, a shadow box, painted and put vinyl cut outs on a wood tray for my kitchen, worked on 2 needlepoint projects and FINALLY cleaned up my craft room so that the top of my desk is clear. I love the Leading Ladies series, but haven’t made anything with them yet.
    Billie Sue

  • Reply Lisa Byers July 18, 2019 at 8:21 am

    Hi, I am a retired postal worker living in Waverly GA. I am married to my high school sweetheart, we have been together since I was 14. Went steady for 5 years, married for 42 this year. We have 2 handsome boys, 3 grandsons, 1 granddaughter and 1 granddaughter on the way. I have been cross-stitching for 41 years, it’s still my first love. I have done crocheting, beading and basket weaving. About a year and a half ago, I watched a video by Lindsey Weirich and she was making a card. I kept watching her videos which led to other videos then to Blop hops then to my craft room that has thousands of dollars of stash and tons of hours of good times making cards. I think we should have a Crafters Anonymous. Hello, I am Lisa, I have an addiction to collecting great stash.

  • Reply Steph Stratton July 18, 2019 at 8:22 am

    Proud momma to 3 great, and great big, boys. AND. Proud of our four new Labrador PUPPIES!!!! Loved meeting Ellen recently and it’s obvious why her business is so successful. She is attentive, thoughtful and very thorough! Thanks, Ellen!

  • Reply Julie Peddicord July 18, 2019 at 8:23 am

    I often go by 2GenMom online. I have two children. One is 36. The other is 18. I went to the 36 year old’s high school graduation nine months pregnant with #2. Hence I am a two generational mama. 😄

  • Reply Dinah Weller July 18, 2019 at 8:25 am

    I’m a 32 year old mama with a 16 month old who keeps me on my toes! I’m new to card making and paper crafting. It’s something I came to after, about 9 months ago, we lost our home and nearly our entire hometown in a massive and devastating wildfire. After the fire, I replaced all my previous hobby/crafting supplies (pretty much all fiber arts of some variation), but lost the motivation to use them. So when I decided to try something new to satisfy my continuing desire to create, I stumbled upon card making. It has become an amazing outlet and a wonderful way to create something new when, in my world, “new” has meant “replaced” for a while. It’s become my go-to creative outlet while I wait for the urge to play with my fiber arts returns.

    I’ve especially loved how kind, supportive, and welcoming the paper crafting and card making communities are! It has been so wonderful to be brought in with open arms!

  • Reply Tasha July 18, 2019 at 8:26 am

    Well hello. What makes me tick, WELL (lol) I love to be creative & making things. I’ve been a crafty person all my life, started scrapping when I was a teenager, 28 years ago 😳 I love all the products to make scrapping and card making unique. I have 3 kids my DNA (Darius, Nyles & Ava… I didn’t plan it that way it just happen) and I make all their cards. And When I have time I work their handmade photo albums. Being a single I need some me time and crafting is my “me time,” besides I enjoy it and I love to make people smile with my creations. Thanks for sharing.

  • Reply GiniK July 18, 2019 at 8:28 am

    Ellen – I’ve been shopping at your website for almost 15 years! I love the fast service I get, because I don’t have to wait long to get my new “toys” when I order!
    My dad was a high school art teacher, who died suddenly just before I was old enough to be in his classes. Having the chance to learn about paper crafting, blending with Copic markers, and now – OMG, watercolors has been so exciting to me! And you introduced me to Sandy Allnock, who is another favorite. Thank you for making my life more colorful and proving that old gals can learn new arts!

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