
Let’s Chat

Did you know that today is Get To Know Your Customers Day?

We love our customers and would be delighted to get to know you more! Are you part of a big family? Do you have a unique talent that is sure to wow? What’s your favorite cardmaking tool? Salty or sweet snacks?

Tell us what makes you tick! As a thank you for letting us into your lives, we will select one random commenter to win $25 to the EH shop!

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  • Reply April Stevens July 18, 2019 at 8:29 am

    I’m a library director so I love to read! I’ve been married for 28 years, have 1 step-son and 1 of my own. I have 2 step grandaughters. I love to make cards and buy craft supplies 🙂 I have also done some paper crafting projects for others – like framed art. I also have a LOT of shoes!

  • Reply Dawn Adams July 18, 2019 at 8:29 am

    I’m a crafter with a love for making cards. I collect supplies so I always have all kinds of options when I enter my craft room.
    Grew up on a farm, am married with 4 wonderful grown sons, and work as a Vice President for an international company. To give back to my community, I have served on our school board for 19 years—16 as president. Thank you for reaching out to your customers to learn more about us. I love your company.

  • Reply Marilyn July 18, 2019 at 8:30 am

    Its just my sister and myself, not part of a large family lost our 96 year old mom back in 2016. Our dad passed away about 25 years ago and its just me and my sister and we are totally into anything crafty. Of course we are both senior citizens now still cannot get used to calling ourselves that but oh well its just a number after all its just a state of mind.

  • Reply Donna Adkisson July 18, 2019 at 8:31 am

    I live and work in very busy environments. I live in a “full house” of my daughter, son-n-law, my 87 year old mother, 2 grand children, 3 dogs and 2 cats, play clarinet in a community band, and work full time. My favorite time is “craft time”. I participate each year in several craft fairs for various local organizations. It makes me happy to see how others enjoy my assortment of dimensional greeting cards, “blinged out” notebooks, candy treat boxes and mini photo albums. Crafting is fun and relaxing even though my friends say I’m a craft-acholic! LOL!

  • Reply Danica Brent July 18, 2019 at 8:32 am

    I am the youngest of 7. I work as an Education Assistant in an elementary school. Hoping to retire in the next year. My sister Cheryl and I craft together (usually by sharing photos and on the phone daily). I like to scrapbook, make cards and am hoping to get into watercolours.

    I live out in the country and have always enjoyed gardening and camping.

    Love your page and things you feature. I’ve learned a lot from you. 😊

  • Reply Paula Desmarais July 18, 2019 at 8:33 am

    I posted but now I don’t see it so I’m posting again. I LOVE making cards and I just started to do paint pouring which I also LOVE. But my passion is working with children diagnosed with Autism. So unbelievably rewarding when one of my kiddos learns something new!!

  • Reply Greta H July 18, 2019 at 8:33 am

    I’m the typical eldest daughter. I worked as a RN for over 40 yrs & have been a cardmaker for over 25 yrs. I’m a doggy momma through & through as well as a wife for 40 yrs this Sept. Thanks for giving us a great place to shop, EH!

  • Reply Kristin D July 18, 2019 at 8:37 am

    I am the cliche teacher librarian … I love tea, books, cardigans, and cats (I have two – Siamese – cats named Merry and Pippin; my students helped name them).

  • Reply Tami B July 18, 2019 at 8:38 am

    Normally I love to craft and have all my life, but I’m not “ticking” much lately. I just lost my mom to cancer a few weeks ago and just don’t have the desire to create anything. She always encouraged and supported my crafting, even when I was a little girl, and always wanted to know about my latest projects, especially fall & Christmas time.

    • Reply Pam Williams July 18, 2019 at 8:53 am

      Tami prayers to you through this time of loss. Sending you a warm hug thru this blog xoxox

  • Reply Rhonda Strickland July 18, 2019 at 8:47 am

    I am originally part of a big family. But my own family is smaller. I LOVE papercrafting and I play the violin. My favorite card making tool will probably always be my paper trimmer. I like sweet and salty snacks and sometimes both at the same time! Thanks for keeping our hobby alive!! :o)

  • Reply Mary Smith July 18, 2019 at 8:47 am

    I retired in 2002, after 32 years of teaching elementary school kids. In trying to decide what to do in my next life, I discovered scrapbooking. I did that for a few years, until I realized that I have no room to store scrapbooks and neither do my two adult kids! Someone introduced me to rubber stamps, and that was the beginning of my addiction! I cannot draw or paint, but stamps make me feel artistic. Of course, one thing leads to another. Now I have a whole room bursting at the seams with stamps, inks, paper, and all kinds of tools. Many of them come from Ellen Hutson. I live in Eugene, Oregon and I love being able to buy from a pacific Northwest business. My husband just smiles each time a package arrives at my doorstep. 🤪

  • Reply memalagene July 18, 2019 at 8:47 am

    I love Jesus, my husband, kids and grandkids and friends. I love making cards fro friends and family. My favorite craft product is the MISTI!

  • Reply Maureen Butler July 18, 2019 at 8:49 am

    I love card making and watercolor painting. I have two sisters and two nieces who also do card making. We get together every couple of weeks and make our cards together. We inspire each other and we are always sharing ideas. We’re getting ready for the holidays. I make cards for the nursing home where my niece works and for my sister’s church. Every free minute I get I’m in my craft room working away.

  • Reply Pam Williams July 18, 2019 at 8:51 am

    Best part of this hobby is it makes everyone I give these to smile and wait for the next one to come in the mail. It makes me smile when people are so excited. I am a business owner with, if you asked my employees, I am a strict owner, however, when at home I am a softy. I love to make cards. No one who doesn’t know me personally wouldn’t imagine. I have 10 grandchildren and 4 grown kids. 3 are in the Military. I will send random cards to shipmates for my daughter to hand out to those on the ship she feels needs some momma love. I sometimes think I only work to support my habit of having the cutest stamps and dies. If people only knew I could probably open my door to my craft room and hang a sign to sell items…. 🙂
    I am so grateful to you ladies to always shipping out so quickly and allowing me to enjoy my purchases while I still am excited to make the items you share on your blog.

  • Reply Kimba Williams July 18, 2019 at 8:52 am

    I love that you have such great products on your website, you offer great deals, and I can do one stop shopping if I’m watching a youtube video and the ladies are sharing the products. I don’t have to go to three different sites to shop I can get everything I need at EH. Love it. And I love the leading ladies and now the gentlemen line. Your imagination and ideas keep producing wonderful products!. Thanks for coming into my craft room.

  • Reply Megan Swain July 18, 2019 at 8:52 am

    I stumbled into crafting and card making as I decided I wanted to make something creative instead of buying a card. My first set of Distress ink minis led to many, many more which now fill al closet full of supplies. I am an IT Project manager for a large hotel company so crafting helps provide a creative outlet and a nice way to relieve stress. I also love being able to make other people smile when they get one of my cards. My best friend’s 6 year old daughter expects one every time she sees me now so I have to keep up with the latest techniques!

  • Reply Diana E. Bishop July 18, 2019 at 8:53 am

    GOOD MORNING….DEAR ELLEN ! So you all want to know us a little better….HOW WONDERFUL ! well, I am 97 years old and have been crafting the majority of my life. A born crafter I think ! Discovered Ellen Hutson when I moved to Idaho and have loved her & sight ever since! I have been a widow since 1963….have one living daughter and one grandson ! My daughter & I live together and enjoy each others company as she is single now ! She is actually my main stay – at this age I need one Ha ! So there you have it ! KEEP UP THE WONDERFUL WORK YOU DO FOR ALL OF US..ELLEN !

  • Reply Donna Streagle July 18, 2019 at 8:53 am

    As a retired elementary school teacher, I will tell you what used to impress my first graders. I can say the alphabet backwards without looking! As you can see, it doesn’t take too much to impress them!

  • Reply My Crazy Craft LifeLuci July 18, 2019 at 8:56 am

    I’m the baby of the family but more of an only child because my two brother are 12 and 14 years older than me! I was an oops! LOL I’ve been crafting since I was a little kid, when I was 8 I created a library out of all the books in my house and made everyone who needed one check them out! LOL

  • Reply Laura Casselman July 18, 2019 at 8:58 am

    Since my mom passed away unexpectedly 2 years ago, my dad and I have been taking care of each other. It’s not your typical role reversal, child takes care of parent. It’s more of a balancing act as we watch each other and try to be there for each other. Our communication is good and we treat each other lovingly. I’m so grateful for this. And when I show my dad a card that I have made, he always praises me. Who doesn’t love that?! Misti is my must have tool and I love sweet/salty snacks…oh and wine.

  • Reply Nancy July 18, 2019 at 9:00 am

    I have 4 amazing grandkids and my life is all about them right now. I love it! I do find time to craft, come up with fun activities for the kids, and teach Bible study and Sunday school.

  • Reply Elle July 18, 2019 at 9:07 am

    It’s so enjoyable reading everyone else’s comments and seeing all the different types of people here!

    I just started making cards this year after wanting to for a long time and I just love it! I had some health issues that have kept me off my feet for the past few months so it has been the perfect opportunity to devote lots of time to my new obsession! 🙂

  • Reply Madeline Trainor July 18, 2019 at 9:09 am

    I’m a Quilter. I used to walk through the paper crafting section of the craft store and wondered who would spend their money on this. I’ve also learned many times over to never say never. Then one day I took the few stamps that I owned and started playing with them. Now I’m hooked on this tiny art form that is a greeting card.

  • Reply Robin Keith July 18, 2019 at 9:10 am

    I am a happily retired crafter and am over the moon because we are expecting our first grandchild (a girl!) in January!

  • Reply ANN ROBBINS July 18, 2019 at 9:12 am

    I am a retired finance manager for a local city. After retiring my hobby became srapbooking and cardmaking! Love die cuts to use in this hobby. Have collected close to 500 sets.

  • Reply Andrea D. La Vigne July 18, 2019 at 9:13 am

    I discovered card making maybe 6(?) years ago. I had been doing paintings for several years, and became unable to do that, for whatever reason. I took an online class with May Flaum about the time my painting ability fizzled, and found out about Simon Says Stamp’s weekly challenges from her. I entered their Monday challenge with a card that I’d made with a lot of buttons. The card was probably hideous, but I did get my work “out there.” And the rest is (a rather expensive) history! LOL (Thankfully, my crafting abilities and design eye have improved massively since that first card!) I have dealt with major mental illness (depression & schizophrenia) basically my entire adult life. The schizophrenia is under control now–for the most part–thanks to medicine, though the depression still affects me greatly. But my creative spark has never died–just morphed from one manifestation to another. I generally enjoy card making and scrapbooking, except when my depression gets too bad. I was on the Dirty Dozen design team at Splitcoaststampers last year, which was such an honor, albeit a little stressful with meeting deadlines. I live with my mom in rural East Texas, in the same house I grew up in. We have 4 spoiled cats, ranging in age from 16 years down to 1 year. They are a big part of my life, & the object of much love! I guess the thing I like most about making cards is the opportunities to give them or donate them–and occasionally make a little money by selling them. I send lots of cards to Send a Smile 4 Kids, which gives them to children’s hospitals for the staff to give to inpatient children or the children to use to give/send to loved ones.

  • Reply Jenny K. July 18, 2019 at 9:13 am

    What makes me tick? Reading. I am a voracious reader – and I get twitchy when I don’t have a book to read – it’s genetic. And, yes, – I have my 14-digit library card code memorized. I am also a huge PBS fan and do genealogical family research in my spare time.

  • Reply Janet Sisk July 18, 2019 at 9:14 am

    Hi! I have been a card maker/stamper since 2001! I never thought of myself as “crafty” growing up. My mom and sisters were always making stuff and I felt kind of left out because I just couldn’t find anything that I felt good at. Stamping has been the best discovery ever for me. I grew up in a blended family – his, hers and ours. I was the “his” kid. I lived in 3 states growing up – IA, WI and TN. I married right after college and we have been married for 35 years! Wow, time sure flies! In our married life we have lived in several states, too, including SC, TN, PA, MI, and now NC. I have 2 daughters that are now 30 and 28. My 28 year old lives in Minneapolis and is an Occupational Therapist. My 30 year old lives with us and has special needs, but she is able to work 4 hours a week at Walgreens and is very active in the community. I love Ellen Hutson for her store and her designs. Thanks for keeping my addiction going! 😀

  • Reply Sheila Fisher July 18, 2019 at 9:16 am

    I have been stamping and card making for 30+ years. So that’s what makes me tick. I have worked at the same bank for 38 years.

    I love sharing “SMILES” thru my cardmaking.

  • Reply Mary McMillan July 18, 2019 at 9:18 am

    I’m a Californian who moved to Dixon Illinois in the worst winter in many years…why? Our home burned in the Camp Fire in Northern CA. We lived there for 35 years and lost everything but our dog, a cat (whose story of survival alone is unbelievable) our car and two changes of cloths. Yup all of my 35 years of paper crafting treasures were lost…..but hey, we have our lives and slowly I am replacing lost items, especially dies and paper, pens, ink and ribbon……I miss my toys, but am finding that creating with little brings back the memories of old when I first started paper crafting. I’m thankful to be closer to 2 of my children and my sister. I’m sad to have moved farther away from 2 of my sons….and the crafting friends I spent so many hours with. Now that I am settled, I’m hoping to find a craft group in Dixon or the surrounding area….I’m also hoping to get my act together and start blogging again…..So now you know a bit about me….

  • Reply Laurie July 18, 2019 at 9:25 am

    Been stamping for 26 years and still love it. Family and friends are ‘my thing.’ 😃

  • Reply Jean Heming July 18, 2019 at 9:29 am

    IM 73 , i craft nearly every day, I babysit 4 grandkids at least 3 times a week , thankfully not all 4 at the same time!! I have enough paper to cover the rest of my life and markers and dies!!! I have 4 wonderful children ranging from 53 to 31.. M life is good!! I wish I had a bigger craft room!!

  • Reply Amy Cooley July 18, 2019 at 9:30 am

    I’m married with two teenage boys. I have my own cleaning business and obviously enjoy papercrafting. I also like to bake. I love iced coffee and java chip ice cream.

  • Reply Tammy Barnes July 18, 2019 at 9:30 am

    I’m a card crafter. This started when my sister sent me a goody box containing crafting supplies after a fall that hurt my knee and put me on the couch for several weeks by drs orders. I was bored stiff, so she came to my aid! This was almost 5 years ago. Her and I craft together usually via Facebook during evening time. Doing this crafting also came in handy this year as it came in handy as therapy ….after developing breast cancer. It takes my mind off of everything that I’m going through. Your site and crafting items are our favorites! Thanks for all you do!

  • Reply Jules July 18, 2019 at 9:31 am

    I don’t limit art to paper – I have eight tattoos! Thank you for the chances to win!!

  • Reply Janet L. July 18, 2019 at 9:34 am

    Started stamping when my children were quite young…and now they’re up and out. If I’m not enjoying life with my husband, I’m either in the craft room or I’m outside with the horses. Life is good!

  • Reply Birgit Norton July 18, 2019 at 9:37 am

    I have many interests but stamping and card making are at the top of my list. My hubby and I are now empty nesters and I’ve turned one of my kids bedroom into my craft room. I just love having a dedicated space for my crafting…. if only it were bigger. ;0)

  • Reply Verna Angerhofer July 18, 2019 at 9:37 am

    I am a retired farmer’s wife who also worked on a newspaper for part of my career besides working on a dairy farm. As a result I did not have much time for a hobby as I was also a Mom to four children so keeping house and raising them was a part of my career too. So now what makes me tick is finding time to have a hobby and that is being a card maker. I even did a design team for awhile which was a great learning experience. But that was before blogs were needed so now even though I do a blog I have no desire to be on a design team. I love the fact I can make cards at my leisure and not have to make a deadline.

  • Reply Sam Burnett July 18, 2019 at 9:38 am

    Hi Ellen & Company…long time customer here; I live on the central Texas coast with my husband of nearly 37 years. We are both retired; hubby from a long tenure at Johnson Space Center and me from the international shipping industry. We both love the beach, and we have a small beachcombing museum here in our tiny town. He’s a Harley rider and takes two or three long trips each year (most recently to Nova Scotia and Ontario for 26 days). While he’s gone I, of course, craft! I have tons of craft supplies, and am definitely a “die-aholic” – over 3000 stamp/die combos in my collection. But there’s always room for more, LOL!! Thanks for taking such good care of us crafters, and for the chance to win a little shopping spree!

  • Reply Teri Spracklin July 18, 2019 at 9:40 am

    I am a teacher, one of 4 kids, a new mom, a crafter since childhood, and my home is surrounded by trees which is a childhood dream of mine. 🙂 My dream job would be to write for the papercrafting industry – magazines, blogs, etc. – and make pretty things along the way.

  • Reply Maria C F July 18, 2019 at 9:40 am

    I am a teacher and love the joy that my students bring to the classroom.

  • Reply Janis in ID July 18, 2019 at 9:42 am

    I am a cardmaker and I love cats. (I have 15…..good thing hubby is a vet and we live in a rural area where there is a lot of room for them!)
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  • Reply Evan July 18, 2019 at 9:54 am

    I am a twin which is a lot of fun.

  • Reply Kylie Z July 18, 2019 at 9:55 am

    I have always loved crafting and have dabbled in drawing, crocheting, origami, and so many others.

  • Reply Denise Bryant July 18, 2019 at 9:57 am

    I was lucky enough to have two Dads while growing up! My parents divorced when I was very young, about 4 years old. When I was 6, my Mom married my wonderful step-father!
    I have one daughter who is 36 years old, and I started stamping when she was in preschool!

  • Reply Carla Hundley July 18, 2019 at 9:59 am

    I’m retired so I can craft all I want!
    I love making cards, scrapbooking
    and sewing. Favorite tools are my
    MISTI and Cropidile.
    Carla from Utah

  • Reply Janet Swanlady21 July 18, 2019 at 9:59 am

    I’m a night owl who can stay up stamping and scrapping until the wee hours (if not all night!). I have my music playing and I don’t feel the time go by. But I’m trying to change that as it’s not healthy. But my mojo really works better at night. 🙂

    • Reply ksdejarn July 18, 2019 at 10:30 am

      Janet! I had to stop here and comment on your comment! I swear when I start stamping I step into the time void…’s 7 pm and the next time I look……3am! How does that happen??!! Thank you for letting me know that I am not alone!

  • Reply Denise Bryant July 18, 2019 at 10:00 am

    I was lucky enough to have two Dads while growing up! My parents divorced when I was about 4, and my Mom married my wonderful step-father when I was 6!
    I have a 36 year old daughter, and I started stamping when she was in preschool!

  • Reply Iggy July 18, 2019 at 10:02 am

    Besides creating, I love reading and am happiest when I have two or three books waiting for me at the library.

  • Reply Cheryl Latham July 18, 2019 at 10:05 am

    I am retired. I got into cardmaking for something to while away all those hours. That didn’t happen as I am now totally obsessed with every part of this craft. To top it off I’m taking my sister down with me.

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